Public Sale Sold out within a minute

STAKD Finance
Feb 24, 2021


Public sale.

We are overwhelmed by your support. Our public sale sold out in less than 60 seconds. Tokens have been distributed and our farms went live.

OFFICIAL TOKEN ADDRESS: 0xFfB3eDd21be33d5e78C9e0C2A275b3Fd42670D67


🥞 Trade $STAKD on PancakeSwap:

🚰 Add liquidity:

Farming is now live.
7 farming pairs.

🚜 Visit and start farming!

🎥 One of our community members has created a very helpful video on how to add liquidity to $STAKD farms.

Liquidity locked

500 BNB & 50,000 $STAKD have been added as liquidity. LP tokens have been sent to a Liquidity Lock contract and locked for 30 days.

MasterChef(stakd) farming contract owner changed to Timelock:

Token burn

First token burn announced.



STAKD Finance

Binance Smart Chain ecosystem project that aims to provide all in one DeFi solution to the emerging BSC community.